Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Things just seem to be getting better and better!  Joseph is getting more comfortable with daycare every time.  Today I was able to set him on the floor and say good bye, without him getting upset.  I also finally found out today that I got the job I was hoping for, well as long as everything goes according to plan.  I'm actually really excited but I'm being a little paranoid that it's not going to work out so I don't want to say too much about it.  And Todd already has two interviews lined up for the Rocky Mountain Rendezvous ( it's a huge geology career fair in Wyoming)- and the best part is that one of the two companies is one that's been on the top of his list of companies he'd like to work for!  I've always told Todd that things just seem to work out for me, so to stick by me.
Josephs daycare art

I decided to get creative with art projects for Joseph this week, unfortunately I realized while shopping that he's not quite old enough to get too creative so we just ended up getting fingerpaints- Oh well at least it's something different from our normal crayons and chalk.  The daycare actually lets them use markers.  When I was picking him up one day he had just started this project, so I just stayed out of sight and watched the chaos the teachers got to endure.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Woot Woo! I am so glad things are falling into place. It's like that saying "Luck is what happens when preparation meets hard work". I can't wait to hear more about the job and I hope your 'luck' is contageous for me because I interviewed TODAY (finally) for the job I really want. Here's hoping a week from now we're BOTH happy!

    And congrats to Todd too. I love it when a good plan comes together (and sadly you never know for sure it IS a good plan UNTIL it comes together). So much about your move reminds me of when Greg and I moved to Oregon. So scary and exciting all at once. And we look back on that period of time as some of the best in our marriage. I know you will remember this time in your life that way too.

    Maybe litte Joe will inherit some of that Bee-side art talent?
